
What is the correct way to use electric pruning shears?


Electric pruning shears are more convenient to use than […]

Electric pruning shears are more convenient to use than our general pruning shears. They are mainly used for pruning branches. Electric pruning shears are a relatively convenient tool used by many manufacturers of agricultural products that grow their own fruits and vegetables. People who have no contact with this aspect may find it very unfamiliar. We can also grow some smaller plants in our own home. If it is messy, we can use electric pruning shears to prune. Let's talk about it. How to use this tool!



1. When using this garden screw electric scissors for the first time, use the attached charger to charge the lithium battery. The first charge must exceed 12 hours. After charging, remove the power plug.
2. Put the lithium battery into the battery pack, and correctly insert the power cord into the lithium battery and the socket of the electric pruning shears, and tighten it.
3. Wrap the battery belt around your waist and adjust the carrying position.
4. Turn on the battery power switch to put the scissors on standby.
5. Pull the trigger of the scissors twice in a row, the scissors head is opened, and the operation can be started.
6. When stopping the operation, first hold the trigger so that the scissors are closed, then turn off the power switch and unplug the power.